I’m hoping this will be our first photography workshop in a group scenario which will be amazing & we can get back to being creative & enjoying our photography again!
A mid week meet on Wednesday 31st March to do a bit a of dusk into sunset & a smidge of night photography from 5.30 onwards arrive at your leisure.
The meet will be “LIMITED TO 6 PEOPLE” in accordance with govt guidelines & the meet will operate in a safe & appropriate manner & as this is our first foray back into freedom the meet will be “FREE”.
“There are already 3 people signed up for this so if you want to attend don’t hang around”
If you know how to take night shots great… if you don’t even better…a chance for you to start the journey to taking great night shots of some iconic London landmarks.
I will guide you through composition, the do’ & don’ts, timed exposure, in fact anything that holds you back from taking the images you want to.
Just bring your camera & the widest lens you have, a tripod, a shutter release if you have one… If you don’t have a tripod or shutter release don’t worry I have spares so don’t rule the meet out just let me know & I’ll bring the spares…
Any questions at all please just message me….
This is a photography group where you can & will progress your photographic journey so come along & join in the fun…